Manager Frequently
Does this come out of my budget?
Financial support comes from the Scholarship Fund and is not related to Care Home budgets.
What if I can’t support an application because we are too short-staffed?
Courses usually have multiple start dates or offerings in a 12-month period.
We would encourage you to work with the individual to come up with a workable plan, even if it means pushing out the start date.
What if I think an applicant is unsuitable for leadership development?
Any applicant's manager will be contacted as part of the selection process, even if they haven’t been nominated as a referee.
This is a great opportunity to explore any concerns you may have.
The brochure talks about flexibility in working hours. What does this mean?
Part of the selection process involves a conversation with the applicant, their manager and a panel representative. This is where we will explore the flexibility requested by the applicant and how it might work.
Do I need to offer paid time off for exams or attending classes?
Again this would be explored in the conversation with the manager and the applicant during the selection process.
How can I support a staff member on their leadership journey?
Have conversations with the staff member about what they are learning and if possible, help them find ways to put their learning into practice in the workplace.
If they are unsuccessful in this process, the L&D team will provide you and the applicant with career development support.
What if they do not finish their course or they do not pass?
If someone is awarded a scholarship, they will be asked to sign a training agreement. The terms and conditions will stipulate any bonding that applies and that they will have to fund any re-sits.